E5 Group - The Data Centre Solutions Company

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Committed to the Community

E5 Group is a company committed to the community in which we live and do business. Our commitment takes many forms, with special attention to supporting and promoting local causes.

We back this philosophy of community investment by providing financial support to community projects and programs. E5 uses the same funding formula that is used for the employee bonus program. The actual amount withheld for community investments is based on meeting several financial targets. When all targets are met, a percentage of E5's net income is put aside for community projects and programs.


E5 has adopted, as part of our commitment, the "The Points of Light Foundation - Principles of Excellence." Under these principles, we will:

  • ACKNOWLEDGE that the corporation's community service involvement and its employee volunteer efforts contribute to the achievement of its business goals;
  • COMMIT to establish, support and promote an employee volunteer program that encourages the involvement of every employee, and manage the employee volunteer program like any other business function; and
  • TARGET workplace volunteering at serious social problems in the community.

Product Donations

E5 contributes a variety of its products to non-profit organizations and educational institutions.

Employee Contributions

Each E5 employee is eligible to have their personal contribution matched by the company. This can be done through a one-time contribution, yearlong payroll deduction, or a combination of both.